It has been a while since my last entry. The fact of the matter is there is much to be seen and done in this place called Singapore. The last week was particularly eventful as something called Chinese New Year was taking place.
The logic of it of course escapes me, as much does in this new world. If the Chinese have a new year different from the normal new year, it would mean there are 2 new years each year, which is frankly a contradiction.

Of course I have come to learn that mysteries abound, as evinced by yet more flat creatures, this time flat red rats who spend all their time engaging in what my Great Uncle Luis called "Smooching".

There was however an alarming turn of events on one foraging trip. I was collecting my daily supply of nuts when I was scooped up by one of the Tall Folk and ended up trapped inside a jar for the longest while. Fortunately I was able to call on my knowledge of guerilla tactics learnt during the war (blasted fascists!) to survive and escape the next day.

But even fascists need friends too, and perhaps I can learn to be a better one.
AdiĆ³s for now