Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day Two

This weather! Hats and Beards don't seem to be the best idea, but a gnome must keep up with tradition!

Have been searching for a suitable garden, but have failed so far to locate any fellow gnomes.

Perusing the Dangerous Book of Gnomes again I notice that it seems more voluminous than before, with extra chapters on new fangled things.

One covers something called the Digital Age, and speaks of mysterious thing called the Internet. Apparently any entries a gnome jots down in his diary will appear simultaneously on something called a Blog. Perhaps its a cross between a log and a bog. I suspect there are magicks involved!

So i must now seek out something called an internet cafe to learn more of this new world.


sideshowjo said...

Segio. Why are you doing this! You had a wonderful spot in my cubicle. There is air-conditioning 12-16 hours a day. Aldof is a fraud. He may like to think himself an Arian Gnome but he is not, in fact his tatoo is a stick on.

Sergio Gnomic said...

Ah air-conditioning! That explains the changes in the weather... But it is also a term i have overheard in conversations with darker connotations, something to do with the warming of mysterious glow balls...

In any case I am out exploring but will return in good time!